Friday, June 25, 2010

First Time Blogger, Long Time Lurker

I suppose I should use this inaugural post to let you know a little about me and the reason I intend to blog and you can decide whether or not it will be worth your time to follow me. I am Martini Mom (or Slacker Mom) you can decide. I am nearing 40 but not close enough to panic (38 to be precise) and I'm a stay at home mom living in the suburbs of Chicago (oh how I miss the city). I have 3 kids, 2 boys (all I can say is WOW) and 1 girl (Super Diva) who amuse, delight and irritate me daily and I love them dearly. I can quote SpongeBob as well as my husband (yes I have one of those too who I love dearly most days) quotes Caddy Shack and I enjoy a good martini when I find myself with some "me" time (I heart "me" time, it's my favorite!). I find myself laughing at the insane things that happen in my life all day and figure a good many of you may do the always makes me feel less crazy to find I am not alone in this parenting thing. As a matter of fact, I met some of my closest gal pals in a parenting class where we bonded over the fact that we weren't crazy and our kids weren't terrible and even if WE are and THEY are at least we all are crazy and terrible together. Misery loves company or this too will make us stronger or pour me another, it all depends on the day. So I hope to be able to share a laugh or two with you over a chilly cocktail during "me"time. Cheers!


  1. Oh, my dear Martini think of all the years I have missed your wonderful, sharp wit and amusing view on life. Can't wait to read more!

  2. Dont sell yourself short Judge - you're an incredible slouch!
