Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens

Today’s random rant comes to you because I have 60 wedding thank you notes and 20 teacher appreciation brunch invitations to make and so of course, I’m doing everything BUT. I prefer to think of procrastination as a sport…if I were in High School I would be lettering in it.

Recently, I was perusing (and by that I mean snooping) in a friends office, checking out the titles on her bookshelf. My bookshelves are filled with a few noteworthy novels and classics (not surprisingly, most have yet to have their binding cracked) and 98% Chick Lit. For those of you who are not familiar with this awesome genre, Chick Lit is for people like me who love reading but don’t like to think too much about it. Think, Sophie Kinsella (Shopoholic) and just for good measure (and a whole lotta laughs) several of the books are Memoirs. I won’t pretend to be any more scholarly in this category, let’s not get crazy people. Think Chelsea Handler (My Horizontal Life & Are You There Vodka, It’s Me Chelsea) and Jen Lancaster (Such a Pretty Fat & Bitter is the New Black) and less (and by less I mean not any) Theodore Roosevelt (yes, that came from my husband, I had to ask for a “smart guys” autobiography). Basically, I was making sure she was just as vapid as I am and since she is one of my Besties, she didn’t disappoint. A pretty thick, compact book caught my attention…14,000 Things That Make Me Happy by Who Knows for What. Seriously, it’s a list (called a book) of 14,0000 things…that made the author happy over the course of a lifetime…and he got someone to publish it and someone to sell it and someone (my super awesome friend) to buy it.

Now I feel somewhere deep inside me there is an awesome book lurking and I haven’t tapped into it just yet so this book gave me hope.

In homage to this craptastic big list book I am going to share a few (not quite 14,000 or even 1,400) of my favorite things with you. Now you COULD just read it or you COULD sing it to the tune of My Favorite Things (of course)! Soooo much better than a list IMHO!

Napping on hammocks and pizza for dinner
Shopping at Target and flea market weekends
Chocolate martinis and cosmos so sweet
These are a few of my favorite things

Girlfriends with gossip and hot flavored coffee
Housewives of Jersey, New York and the O.C.
Music and Dancing and The Black Eyed Peas
These are a few of my favorite things

Platforms and Wedges and flip flops that sparkle
Sephora, Regretsy and Thursday’s mail with People
Finding the per-erfect slimming blue jeans
These are a few of my favorite things

Pugs and Minions
Long Vacations
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Enjoy one of your favorites today people!

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