Today, as I scrambled to put together lunch for my 3 year old to eat at Lunch Bunch (she’s not a sandwich and chips kind of kid) I thought back to how I used to prepare snacks for my oldest child’s (he’s 8 now) back in the early 3’s at the Park District Preschool. Of course this was after agonizing about which preschool he should go to IF he should even leave the safety of our family room and how would I manage to get him there 2 WHOLE days a week with the “schedule” his 1 ½ year old baby brother needed to survive?!?
After deciding it was safe to let Martini Kid #1 leave my sight for 2 ½ hours, twice a week, he began preschool. At school, the kids learned a letter of the alphabet each week. For the entire year I would go to this cute little scrapbook store once a week and spend (soooo much) time finding enough stickers of things that started with the letter of the week to cover his snack bag for each day. If you are familiar with these cute little stores, I also spent a freakin’ bundle on these stickers. Perhaps I should have saved my money and gotten a babysitter for Martini Kid #2 and gone out for a latte by myself but remember, this was PRE slacker Mom era. So impressed by my efforts, the teachers incorporated our snack bags into a lesson for the class at snack time and even saved the bags to send home…mother of pearl, I had set the bar and HAD to continue (the nonsense) for the remainder of the alphabet. Imagine my stress level when we got to Q or X or Z???
It was during this same time that I am certain I still had the logs that I kept for each Martini Kid during their first year of life...ins AND outs. We sterilized each pacifier (we call them Nukkies ala our chosen brand Nuk) whenEVER they touched the ground and got a new clean one for the screeching child. I went to each pediatric appointment armed with a notebook I’d written questions in, regarding milestones I was always concerned we hadn’t reached by the proper time... no doctor was going to rush THIS Mom out without getting my answers and (not) rest assured, they would receive a phone call no matter what time of night if one of the Martini Kids projectile vomited for SURE.
Martini Kids #1 and #2 are 21 months apart and I was a major stress case for long time. This explains why there is a 3 year gap between Martini Kid #2 and #3…I was recovering and managing and stressing and mothering (without medication) and felt I needed more of a handle on things before introducing #3.
Martini Kid #3 came a little too early, a little smaller than her brothers and spent a few days in the NICU. I decided not to stress about it (those nurses gave her the BEST care). When the Breast Feeding Crazy Lady came to tell me to buy breast milk over the Internet for my baby, I thanked her, told her I was SUPER ok with Similac (pre-recall) and sent her on her kooky way (I know, I know, breast is best, just so I don’t offend anyone but I went crazy stressing over feeding Martini Kid #1 and if you’ve been reading…kinda trying to omit the stress). Martini Kid #3 came home with me and now Martini Mom had THREE kids…at once…to take care of…holy crap!!! So I also knew how to recognize when I needed to ask for help and not be ashamed or embarrassed to be a happier Mommy (just don’t tell Tom Cruise).
There were no logs, maybe a question or two jotted down because Mommy brain IS a forgetful one and not only do I not freak out when a Martini Kid projectile vomits, I can manage to be puked ON and not puke myself…these things happen…they are gross and disgusting…but not scary anymore.
Oh and Martini Kid #3 loved to throw her Nukkie on the floor and I loved to wipe it off on my pants and stick it back in her mouth. I think I read on the Internet that a little dirt helps boost the immune system…right?!?
So I packed up some yogurt, a little watermelon, a cereal bar and some crackers in a brown bag (because I couldn’t find her lunchbox of course), scribbled her name on the bag and dressed Martini Kid #3 in an adorable outfit (c’mon, even a slacker Mom has to have standards and the kid’s got style!). Then I dropped her and her poorly put together lunch at preschool (AND Lunch Bunch AND Art Smart) for 5 whole hours…Martini Mom bliss.
Back in my 40s, I used to blog about the Bachelor and the Drop of Lane and other random thoughts in my brain. Now I am over 50 and I have breast cancer FFS. Planning to kick its ass with humor (probably the dark kind) and a lot of cursing (as colorful as I can make it). Join me as we all tell cancer to FUCK STRAIGHT OFF!! 😘
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Other Number 2
20 minutes. 20 minutes of my life that I can never have back…sharpening NINETY (yes, 9. 0.) @*!#% No. 2 pencils. Thank GOD for the electronic pencil sharpener that came free with purchase! It spared my eyeliner sharpener and me a lot of pain. And it only had to be emptied 4 freakin’ times and cooled down twice when it overheated…sharpening…90…pencils. Now, I totally understand the need for new school supplies at the beginning of each school year (seriously?!?)…even the communal items like tissues and paper and hand sanitizer (oh my!) and all the excitement that goes with it. I do, however, struggle with the extreme specifics of each product on the list. Seriously, what did the Rose Art Company ever do to deserve being shut out of our back to school dollars? And perhaps I have a coupon for Puffs? Kids are snotty (literally) and you know they’re going to ask for additional boxes of tissue later in the school year when Tommy or Susie bring the Swine Flu to school and they won’t care what brand it is so long as I send it in promptly. So…since I am growing more confident as a mother every year (or so I tell myself) I was able to take some liberties with the list this time. I feel 3 small pink erasers are an acceptable substitute for 2 large. One pack of 30 pencil top erasers can be exchanged for 2 packs of 12 each. And I do not think they even SELL vinyl smocks for kids over the age of 3 so an old long sleeve shirt of Dad’s with the sleeves rolled up? Check that one off the list too. If it was good enough for me in the 80’s it’s good enough for (who AM I and why do I sound like my mother!)... Finally, I decided to pass off a royal blue plastic folder (don’t even get me started with the plastic folders!) WITH prongs as purple. I WAS able to find purple folders but NO PRONGS! The prongs seemed to be key so I made an executive decision. Even Martini Son #1 agreed that in certain light it COULD be taken for purple. Just for good measure, next to his name in the folder, I wrote PURPLE. He laughed; we have the same sense of humor (thank GOD). PS…the fact that these are the types of decisions I have to even think/worry about (and I will, for hours) proves that
A. I am totally NOT the confident mother I think I am (unbalanced comes to mind) and
B. I can’t believe this is what my life has become (insert favorite martini here).
I do realize the following are totally my fault (in addition to a little OCD I dabble in procrastination):
1. The school district offers school supplies nicely packaged that you pick up on Meet the Principle Day before school starts. I don’t know WHEN this form is sent home but I have managed to miss it for TWO YEARS STRAIGHT (did I mention I suck at organization too?)!
2. In addition to #1, I also wait until the week before school starts to get our supplies. Did you people really go out in June when they first surfaced on the Target shelves?? I was at Target (about a hundred times this summer)…but didn’t shop for school supplies until the week before school started. BIG MISTAKE and 4 stores later I had 99% of the lists done.
3. My kids ARE old enough to sharpen their own damn pencils if I don’t wait until 9pm the night before school starts. When I said I understood the excitement of new school supplies I was not referring to my own kids having excitement for them.
4. I will always spend FAR too much time and energy on tasks that have little meaning in the grand scheme of things to avoid being “that Mom”. Perhaps the teacher would refer to me as that “pain in the ass Mom” that can’t follow directions.
Yes, I did have the Real Housewives of New Jersey to keep me company but it was still an irritating project for a Monday night. I AM a stay-at-home Mom with a s!@% load of time on my hands but I prefer to watch my Housewives while clutching a cool beverage or a pint of Haagen Dazs not 90 Dixon Ticonderoga's.
In the end, it was all worth it when they walked out the door with their brand new back packs filled to capacity with the first load of school supplies strapped to their backs. You bet we split it up into at least two trips! As the mother of accident prone children, you are just asking for trouble hauling a 50 lb. package of copy paper and a million SUPER sharp pencils in the same trip...the horror! As they turned to wave at me while they walked to the bus stop with big, excited smiles on their faces I smiled with pride right back. And I made sure they were around the bend before I started the Back to School and Mom is Soooooooo Happy Dance! Is 8am too early for a martini? Because I’ve got a little time to kill before I have to pick up the things I forgot on the supply list (what did I tell you about procrastination!). Cheers to the Class of 2021 and 2022!
A. I am totally NOT the confident mother I think I am (unbalanced comes to mind) and
B. I can’t believe this is what my life has become (insert favorite martini here).
I do realize the following are totally my fault (in addition to a little OCD I dabble in procrastination):
1. The school district offers school supplies nicely packaged that you pick up on Meet the Principle Day before school starts. I don’t know WHEN this form is sent home but I have managed to miss it for TWO YEARS STRAIGHT (did I mention I suck at organization too?)!
2. In addition to #1, I also wait until the week before school starts to get our supplies. Did you people really go out in June when they first surfaced on the Target shelves?? I was at Target (about a hundred times this summer)…but didn’t shop for school supplies until the week before school started. BIG MISTAKE and 4 stores later I had 99% of the lists done.
3. My kids ARE old enough to sharpen their own damn pencils if I don’t wait until 9pm the night before school starts. When I said I understood the excitement of new school supplies I was not referring to my own kids having excitement for them.
4. I will always spend FAR too much time and energy on tasks that have little meaning in the grand scheme of things to avoid being “that Mom”. Perhaps the teacher would refer to me as that “pain in the ass Mom” that can’t follow directions.
Yes, I did have the Real Housewives of New Jersey to keep me company but it was still an irritating project for a Monday night. I AM a stay-at-home Mom with a s!@% load of time on my hands but I prefer to watch my Housewives while clutching a cool beverage or a pint of Haagen Dazs not 90 Dixon Ticonderoga's.
In the end, it was all worth it when they walked out the door with their brand new back packs filled to capacity with the first load of school supplies strapped to their backs. You bet we split it up into at least two trips! As the mother of accident prone children, you are just asking for trouble hauling a 50 lb. package of copy paper and a million SUPER sharp pencils in the same trip...the horror! As they turned to wave at me while they walked to the bus stop with big, excited smiles on their faces I smiled with pride right back. And I made sure they were around the bend before I started the Back to School and Mom is Soooooooo Happy Dance! Is 8am too early for a martini? Because I’ve got a little time to kill before I have to pick up the things I forgot on the supply list (what did I tell you about procrastination!). Cheers to the Class of 2021 and 2022!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Poop Happens...Everywhere
Our potty is possessed. Our lovely little pink princess throne potty that plays music when tinkled in is possessed. It is reminiscent of a train puzzle the boys had when they were little that was supposed to make classic train noises when completed. Instead, it made the noises when you turned off the lights. Really, EVERY night when you closed shop and turned off the lights before bed…choooooooo choooooooooooo!
The potty has been in various rooms (other than the bathroom of course) since we returned from our summer vacation and I realized that I had only 39 days before pre-school starts and our youngest was still in a pull-up. Judge me if you will, but when you are on the third kid there is NEVER a “good” time to start potty training, so naturally I put it off until I absolutely had to. This is my 8th straight year of changing diapers and as someone who never changed a diaper before having my own children, I am READY to end the madness and stop filling up the earth with Huggies and Pampers that will not disintegrate for 7 years (or is that the gum in my 6 year olds stomach?!?).
Back to the potty in need of an exorcism. Today, the potty started making its super cute (and not at all annoying) daa da da daaaaaaa whenever it felt like it. Seriously, it was taunting us over and over as if to mock our potty success (or lack thereof). And it IS mocking us because our darling daughter would prefer to pee ANY where BUT the potty most times. In one morning, she managed to pee in her undies, on the carpet in the living room and aaaaaallll along the hallway from the front door to the kitchen and then ran back through it, slipping and sliding the whole way. A pee Slip ‘n Slide if you will…good times. Now I would be remiss if I didn’t also share that later that morning she managed to go 4 TIMES in the potty in 1 HOUR…daa da da daaaaaaaaa! I don’t know where it all came from; girl must be hitting the apple juice hard (mmmmmmm Appletini). I will spare you the details of our progress in the OTHER area but let’s just say we are running at about 50% on #2’s. I wonder how long it takes for Cinderella undies to disintegrate in those landfills?!?
The potty has been in various rooms (other than the bathroom of course) since we returned from our summer vacation and I realized that I had only 39 days before pre-school starts and our youngest was still in a pull-up. Judge me if you will, but when you are on the third kid there is NEVER a “good” time to start potty training, so naturally I put it off until I absolutely had to. This is my 8th straight year of changing diapers and as someone who never changed a diaper before having my own children, I am READY to end the madness and stop filling up the earth with Huggies and Pampers that will not disintegrate for 7 years (or is that the gum in my 6 year olds stomach?!?).
Back to the potty in need of an exorcism. Today, the potty started making its super cute (and not at all annoying) daa da da daaaaaaa whenever it felt like it. Seriously, it was taunting us over and over as if to mock our potty success (or lack thereof). And it IS mocking us because our darling daughter would prefer to pee ANY where BUT the potty most times. In one morning, she managed to pee in her undies, on the carpet in the living room and aaaaaallll along the hallway from the front door to the kitchen and then ran back through it, slipping and sliding the whole way. A pee Slip ‘n Slide if you will…good times. Now I would be remiss if I didn’t also share that later that morning she managed to go 4 TIMES in the potty in 1 HOUR…daa da da daaaaaaaaa! I don’t know where it all came from; girl must be hitting the apple juice hard (mmmmmmm Appletini). I will spare you the details of our progress in the OTHER area but let’s just say we are running at about 50% on #2’s. I wonder how long it takes for Cinderella undies to disintegrate in those landfills?!?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Why do they call it The Garden State?
Like many of you this summer, the Martini Family enjoyed the annual family vacation to the beach. Destination...the Jersey Shore! Being a lifetime Midwestern girl, my only experience with the state of New Jersey comes from MTV and various not so great movies so I was super excited to put it mildly. They also call New Jersery the Garden State but other than some flora scattered at the roadside gas stop I am not sure where the title comes from. Oh, and speaking of the gas stop, you cannot pump your own gas in Jersey, not even to fill a little can for your lawnmower. It is a full service state people. Which brings me to...
1. Snookie and “The Sitch” don’t live anywhere NEAR where we stayed in Sea Isle City. I am not sure if I am upset or grateful about this.
2. Theresa (“I always live within my means”) and Danielle (“She pulled out my extension!”) and the rest of the Real Housewives live nowhere NEAR where we stayed either!!! I was totally counting on hanging out with them (and by that I mean stalking them).
3. Is YOUS (as is Hey Yous Guys!) REALLY a word???
4. While driving has its advantages, 15 ½ hours in a car with 3 kids and 1 husband is a LONG freakin’ time.
5. People should refrain from telling me about local marine life until AFTER I have been to the beach (not while I am covered in critters). What is the harm in letting a person think tiny little LIVE clams are tiny little shells?
6. People who live near an ocean (or are smarter than me, like Captain Joe) can explain the tides MUCH better than my Midwestern (and ignorant) brain can. To be honest, the kids WERE ok with my “the water goes up, the water goes down” explanation at first, Joe.
7. You will always take a piece of the free salt water taffy and then it will sit in the car, where it will get all melty and you’ll curse it and throw it away. Does ANYone reaaaaally like saltwater taffy??
8. It is really very easy to trip on the wonky boards of the boardwalk, that’s all I’m sayin’.
9. There is a little something for everyone at the Ocean City Boardwalk (including a good laugh for anyone passing by when the woman from Chicago tripped ever so gracefully)…is this really a good thing??
10. When you’re ready to scream and the vodka in the freezer starts to appeal to you at breakfast , bribery is a FANtastic way to get through a long family vacation. “A daily bribe makes for a much smoother ride” is my vaca motto.
11. You can never lean TOO far the other way when the wave runner is tipping.
12. Kids don’t want a “souvenir” to fondly recall their days at the shore (can you really call a hermit crab a souvenir anyway??). They want the same exact sh** they can buy at any one of the bajillion ToysRUs’ you inevitably passed on the hellish million hour drive to your fantastic vacation. The sooner you get over it and just buy them the freakin’ Webkin the happier everyone will be.
13. What you saved by not flying (for SURE it’s not your sanity) you spent on bribes, the Fudgy Wudgy man, $10 rides at the Boardwalk and t-shirts for the whole family (ps. I LOVE my new overpriced purse!).
14. On the way home, when everyone is tired and crabby from a long week at the beach, split the drive in half. That way, you can learn just how long 8 hours in a car with 3 overtired kids and 1 overtired husband and 1 total byotch Mom can be – TWICE.
15. Make the ride home more fun by playing the VW game (Red One!) because at this point, having a legitimate reason to punch each other is AWESOME!
There’s always a lot of crap to complain about on vacation (which I did for sure) but we always seem to pack up the mini and do it all over again the next summer… ROCK ON!!!…JERSEY SHORE 2010!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!!...the memories will last (and by that I mean scar us) forever.
Things I Learned on Our Family Vacation to the Jersey Shore
1. Snookie and “The Sitch” don’t live anywhere NEAR where we stayed in Sea Isle City. I am not sure if I am upset or grateful about this.
2. Theresa (“I always live within my means”) and Danielle (“She pulled out my extension!”) and the rest of the Real Housewives live nowhere NEAR where we stayed either!!! I was totally counting on hanging out with them (and by that I mean stalking them).
3. Is YOUS (as is Hey Yous Guys!) REALLY a word???
4. While driving has its advantages, 15 ½ hours in a car with 3 kids and 1 husband is a LONG freakin’ time.
5. People should refrain from telling me about local marine life until AFTER I have been to the beach (not while I am covered in critters). What is the harm in letting a person think tiny little LIVE clams are tiny little shells?
6. People who live near an ocean (or are smarter than me, like Captain Joe) can explain the tides MUCH better than my Midwestern (and ignorant) brain can. To be honest, the kids WERE ok with my “the water goes up, the water goes down” explanation at first, Joe.
7. You will always take a piece of the free salt water taffy and then it will sit in the car, where it will get all melty and you’ll curse it and throw it away. Does ANYone reaaaaally like saltwater taffy??
8. It is really very easy to trip on the wonky boards of the boardwalk, that’s all I’m sayin’.
9. There is a little something for everyone at the Ocean City Boardwalk (including a good laugh for anyone passing by when the woman from Chicago tripped ever so gracefully)…is this really a good thing??
10. When you’re ready to scream and the vodka in the freezer starts to appeal to you at breakfast , bribery is a FANtastic way to get through a long family vacation. “A daily bribe makes for a much smoother ride” is my vaca motto.
11. You can never lean TOO far the other way when the wave runner is tipping.
12. Kids don’t want a “souvenir” to fondly recall their days at the shore (can you really call a hermit crab a souvenir anyway??). They want the same exact sh** they can buy at any one of the bajillion ToysRUs’ you inevitably passed on the hellish million hour drive to your fantastic vacation. The sooner you get over it and just buy them the freakin’ Webkin the happier everyone will be.
13. What you saved by not flying (for SURE it’s not your sanity) you spent on bribes, the Fudgy Wudgy man, $10 rides at the Boardwalk and t-shirts for the whole family (ps. I LOVE my new overpriced purse!).
14. On the way home, when everyone is tired and crabby from a long week at the beach, split the drive in half. That way, you can learn just how long 8 hours in a car with 3 overtired kids and 1 overtired husband and 1 total byotch Mom can be – TWICE.
15. Make the ride home more fun by playing the VW game (Red One!) because at this point, having a legitimate reason to punch each other is AWESOME!
There’s always a lot of crap to complain about on vacation (which I did for sure) but we always seem to pack up the mini and do it all over again the next summer… ROCK ON!!!…JERSEY SHORE 2010!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!!...the memories will last (and by that I mean scar us) forever.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens
Today’s random rant comes to you because I have 60 wedding thank you notes and 20 teacher appreciation brunch invitations to make and so of course, I’m doing everything BUT. I prefer to think of procrastination as a sport…if I were in High School I would be lettering in it.
Recently, I was perusing (and by that I mean snooping) in a friends office, checking out the titles on her bookshelf. My bookshelves are filled with a few noteworthy novels and classics (not surprisingly, most have yet to have their binding cracked) and 98% Chick Lit. For those of you who are not familiar with this awesome genre, Chick Lit is for people like me who love reading but don’t like to think too much about it. Think, Sophie Kinsella (Shopoholic) and just for good measure (and a whole lotta laughs) several of the books are Memoirs. I won’t pretend to be any more scholarly in this category, let’s not get crazy people. Think Chelsea Handler (My Horizontal Life & Are You There Vodka, It’s Me Chelsea) and Jen Lancaster (Such a Pretty Fat & Bitter is the New Black) and less (and by less I mean not any) Theodore Roosevelt (yes, that came from my husband, I had to ask for a “smart guys” autobiography). Basically, I was making sure she was just as vapid as I am and since she is one of my Besties, she didn’t disappoint. A pretty thick, compact book caught my attention…14,000 Things That Make Me Happy by Who Knows for What. Seriously, it’s a list (called a book) of 14,0000 things…that made the author happy over the course of a lifetime…and he got someone to publish it and someone to sell it and someone (my super awesome friend) to buy it.
Now I feel somewhere deep inside me there is an awesome book lurking and I haven’t tapped into it just yet so this book gave me hope.
In homage to this craptastic big list book I am going to share a few (not quite 14,000 or even 1,400) of my favorite things with you. Now you COULD just read it or you COULD sing it to the tune of My Favorite Things (of course)! Soooo much better than a list IMHO!
Napping on hammocks and pizza for dinner
Shopping at Target and flea market weekends
Chocolate martinis and cosmos so sweet
These are a few of my favorite things
Girlfriends with gossip and hot flavored coffee
Housewives of Jersey, New York and the O.C.
Music and Dancing and The Black Eyed Peas
These are a few of my favorite things
Platforms and Wedges and flip flops that sparkle
Sephora, Regretsy and Thursday’s mail with People
Finding the per-erfect slimming blue jeans
These are a few of my favorite things
Pugs and Minions
Long Vacations
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
Enjoy one of your favorites today people!
Recently, I was perusing (and by that I mean snooping) in a friends office, checking out the titles on her bookshelf. My bookshelves are filled with a few noteworthy novels and classics (not surprisingly, most have yet to have their binding cracked) and 98% Chick Lit. For those of you who are not familiar with this awesome genre, Chick Lit is for people like me who love reading but don’t like to think too much about it. Think, Sophie Kinsella (Shopoholic) and just for good measure (and a whole lotta laughs) several of the books are Memoirs. I won’t pretend to be any more scholarly in this category, let’s not get crazy people. Think Chelsea Handler (My Horizontal Life & Are You There Vodka, It’s Me Chelsea) and Jen Lancaster (Such a Pretty Fat & Bitter is the New Black) and less (and by less I mean not any) Theodore Roosevelt (yes, that came from my husband, I had to ask for a “smart guys” autobiography). Basically, I was making sure she was just as vapid as I am and since she is one of my Besties, she didn’t disappoint. A pretty thick, compact book caught my attention…14,000 Things That Make Me Happy by Who Knows for What. Seriously, it’s a list (called a book) of 14,0000 things…that made the author happy over the course of a lifetime…and he got someone to publish it and someone to sell it and someone (my super awesome friend) to buy it.
Now I feel somewhere deep inside me there is an awesome book lurking and I haven’t tapped into it just yet so this book gave me hope.
In homage to this craptastic big list book I am going to share a few (not quite 14,000 or even 1,400) of my favorite things with you. Now you COULD just read it or you COULD sing it to the tune of My Favorite Things (of course)! Soooo much better than a list IMHO!
Napping on hammocks and pizza for dinner
Shopping at Target and flea market weekends
Chocolate martinis and cosmos so sweet
These are a few of my favorite things
Girlfriends with gossip and hot flavored coffee
Housewives of Jersey, New York and the O.C.
Music and Dancing and The Black Eyed Peas
These are a few of my favorite things
Platforms and Wedges and flip flops that sparkle
Sephora, Regretsy and Thursday’s mail with People
Finding the per-erfect slimming blue jeans
These are a few of my favorite things
Pugs and Minions
Long Vacations
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
Enjoy one of your favorites today people!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Reality Bites
OMG! Somebody catch me…the world’s most annoying crybaby Bachelor and his SUPER awesome (and not slightly trashy) fiancé Vienna have split up! According to People (my favorite reading material…I can own it!) the love is gone, Vienna was just in it for the fame (huh? Vienna who?) and Jake is once again HEARTbroken…but still BELIEVES in true love. Wah wah wah…so shocking! Jake however, has some really great acting gigs in the pipeline (Drop Dead Diva?!?!? Did you know he played a young Walker Texas Ranger once?) and for SURE wants the ring back. Vienna is already humping a D list actor and let wait’s and see if her shotgun wielding Daddy back in Gator Town starts hunting some Jake. Today I was going to blog about the kick a** massage I got last night at Massage Envy (props!) but while checking out at the Target this morning (I do like to get my Target on…often!) the new People and I locked eyes across the crowded conveyor belt (peeking out from behind the fruit snacks and shaving cream). My literary (yes that is using the term incredibly loosely) guilty pleasure leading me to discuss my entertainment guilty pleasure…dum da da daaaaa…REALITY TV! Thank goodness for this juicy bit of news because now that the Real Housewives of NYC and the Real Housewives of New Jersey are not both on in the same week (and I’m sorry but a whole show about Bethanny, her baby bump and shotgun wedding? I would have to cut my ears off and eat them), the latest Challenge ending and no Real World in sight until next week, I needed a little pick me up. Thank you Jake and Vienna. Now I realize that train wreck television isn’t for everyone (WHAT is your problem?!?) but I am all in! Give me your Bravo, TLC (Toddler and Tiaras anyone?) and a little MTV on occasion (for reals). Give me your Countess, Vicki (whoo hoo) and a little NeNe too. These are a few of my favorite things (sung like Maria in the Sound of Music of course!)! So today I will mourn the loss of another great reality romance gone bad and look forward to Monday, when Ali will learn that Justin (aka Rated-R…his Entertainment Wrestling name…no I couldn’t make this stuff up) isn’t on the show “for the right reasons”…poor poor little Bachelorette. It’s times like these when I realize how lucky I am and my Tivo runneth over.
Friday, June 25, 2010
First Time Blogger, Long Time Lurker
I suppose I should use this inaugural post to let you know a little about me and the reason I intend to blog and you can decide whether or not it will be worth your time to follow me. I am Martini Mom (or Slacker Mom) you can decide. I am nearing 40 but not close enough to panic (38 to be precise) and I'm a stay at home mom living in the suburbs of Chicago (oh how I miss the city). I have 3 kids, 2 boys (all I can say is WOW) and 1 girl (Super Diva) who amuse, delight and irritate me daily and I love them dearly. I can quote SpongeBob as well as my husband (yes I have one of those too who I love dearly most days) quotes Caddy Shack and I enjoy a good martini when I find myself with some "me" time (I heart "me" time, it's my favorite!). I find myself laughing at the insane things that happen in my life all day and figure a good many of you may do the always makes me feel less crazy to find I am not alone in this parenting thing. As a matter of fact, I met some of my closest gal pals in a parenting class where we bonded over the fact that we weren't crazy and our kids weren't terrible and even if WE are and THEY are at least we all are crazy and terrible together. Misery loves company or this too will make us stronger or pour me another, it all depends on the day. So I hope to be able to share a laugh or two with you over a chilly cocktail during "me"time. Cheers!
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